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"Hi Bill," Sam said stepping into the light."What ... who the hell are you? Why am I tied up? Do you know who I am? If you don't let me go right now, I'm going to have you put in jail and that is after I sue you till you don't own anything. I have friends that will bury you, even kill you if you don't let me go." Bill raged."Tsk, tsk, such anger and the threats Bill, shame on you," Amy teased."I don't know who you are Missy but when my friends find out how you are treating me you're going to pay big time for ever screwing with Bill Handley," Bill raged some more."Friends like Alex, Bill? Oh don't worry; you will be meeting him soon." Amy said with a chuckle."Who the hell are you," Bill almost shouted."Your worst nightmare Bill. Your worst nightmare. Are you ready Sam?" She asked as she turned her attention to the redhead."Yep," Sam answered and stepping forward snapped Bill's head to one side. She placed her hand over his mouth. He didn't see Amy kneel beside him but he sure felt her. It was quite a big room so though Tina’s desk was some few feet away I would not have to bother with the intercom. Tina was pleased although she did say that I would still shout for her anyway. On the Thursday before the Saturday of the dinner Gerry and Emma came to inspect the kitchen. They evinced satisfaction of the equipment and gave Bella their suggestions for the menu. I think Bella agreed before showing it to me. The first course was a crab avocado pickled ginger timbale. Then they suggested tenderloin beef steaks stuffed with mushrooms with a touch of garlic. The desert would be a key lime torte with cream and strawberries to add a touch of sweetness. Finally there was a cheeseboard with soft and hard cheeses. I agreed to the choice, how could I say any different? Bella did allow me to choose the wines. Huh! I was so pleased that Chad and Lily had accepted the invitation. They arrived just after six-thirty. Of course Bella, Tina and Aleksy were already there, the two girls.
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